Field Trial
Archived ResultsWhat is Field Trialing ?
For pointing breeds, field trialing is a sport in which dogs compete against each other to demonstrate their ability to search for, find, point and retrieve birds back to their handler.
Depending on which competitive category is entered, each dog is judged on specific abilities. Successful placements earn the dog points toward a Field Champion or Amateur Field Champion title.
We compete in AKC and our GSP Parent Club, German Shorthair Pointer Club of America, National Events. See the AKC for pointing breed field trial history and field trial rules for a more in-depth explanation of this sport.
See below for some of our dogs recent results. All dogs either bred, trained and/or handled by us. Owners are noted.
Central Georgia Pointing Dog Club, Twin City, GA, December 29, 2016
Open Limited Gun Dog
1st WFK Stephens’ Dakota “Dakota” (owner: Todd and Robby Stephens)
3rd WFK Brockway Annie Oakley “Dancer” (owners : Edward and Susan Brock)
Open Derby:
4th Buckhill Chipper “Chip” (owner: Charles Williams)
Amateur Gun Dog
1st High Roll-N’s Crap Shoot “Shooter” (owner: Nelson Mills) handler Tim Zick
Open Puppy
1st H’s AM Cruiser “Cruiser” owner, Harlan Higginbotham, 2nd WFK Peanut’s Lil Lindy Lou “Lindy” (owner Nelson Mills)
Grand Amateur Limited Gun Dog 1 hour
1st High Roll-N’s Crap Shoot “Shooter” (owner Nelson Mills) handler Tim Zick
GSP of South Georgia , December 9-11, 2016. Utopia Plantation, Arabi GA
Open Limited Gun Dog
1st WFK Stephens’ Dakota “Dakota” (owner Todd and Robby Stephens)
Open Derby
2nd WFK Uodibar Johnny Walker “Arrow” (owner Nelson Mills)
3rd WFK Queen Bey “Ozzie” (owner Nelson Mills)
Open Puppy
1st Palm Glades Josephine BCF “Jo”, (owner Dan and Kristina Groselle)
2nd WFK Queen Bey “Ozzie” (owner Nelson Mills)
3rd H’s AM Cruiser “Cruiser” (owner, Harlan Higginbotham)
Open Gun Dog
1st WFK Stephens’ Dakota “Dakota” (owner Todd and Robby Stephens)
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Atlanta, Luke Weaver’s Farm, Jackson, GA, November 17, 2016
Open Limited Gun Dog
2nd Wfk Stephens’ Dakota (Owner, Robbie Stephens)
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America, National Championships, Roger Bechtel Ranch, Eureka, Kansas, Oct 17, 2016
FC WFK Belle’s Georgia Peanut placed 3rd (in a field of 93 dogs) at the GSPCA National Amateur Championship handled by Tim Zick
Special Congratulations to Blaze (WFK High Roll-N’s Money Pit’s A Blaze) and Sister (FC/AFC WFK Hilited Marshside Margarita) who made the Second Series but caught bad luck in the run off.

North Dakota Pointing Dog Club 2016 Fall Field Trial, August 19-21, held at Rognlien Ranch, Towner, ND.
Open Limited Gun Dog
1st , FC WFK Belle’s Georgi Peanut “Peanut” (Owner Tim Zick)
2nd FC WFK Broackway’s Annie Oakley “Dancer” (Owner, Edward Brock & Susan Brock)
Amateur Gun Dog
1st FC WFK Broackway’s Annie Oakley “Dancer” (Owner, Edward and Susan BrocK)
Gateway German Shorthair Pointer Club, March 10-12, 2016. Held at Pyramid State Park in Percy Illinois.
Open Limited Gun Dog
3rd , Wfk Brockway’s Annie Oakley ”Dancer” (Owners: Ed and Susan Brock)
Open Puppy
3rd , Wfk Uodibar’s Johnny Walker “Arrow” (Owner: Nelson Mills)
4th Doc Torr Keck “Doc” (Owners: Preston and Dr. Carson Keck)
German Shorthair Pointer Club of Atlanta , Feb 24-26, 2016. Held at the historic Luke Weaver Farm in Jackson, GA.
Open Limited Gun Dog
4th, Wfk Brockway’s Annie Oakley ”Dancer” (Owners: Ed and Susan Brock)
Open Derby
4th, Wfk Little Patch of Trouble “Patch” (owner: Susan Head)
Open Gun Dog
1st , Wfk Brockway’s Annie Oakley “Dancer” (Owners: Ed and Susan Brock)
New Field Champion!
Ed and Susan set a goal to get Dancer’s Field Championship, now it is time for them to earn her AFC title! Congratulations to long time friends and customers Ed and Susan Brock…and their wonderful dog “Dancer”!
Amateur Gun Dog
1st, Palm Glades Sally’s Spirit “Spirit” (owner/handler : Mark and Bill Brent)
2nd, FC Palm Glades Bocephus “Bo” (owner: C Brent/M Brent)
Amateur Walking Puppy
3rd Doc Torr Keck “Doc” (Owner/Handler Preston Keck)
Very first trial and first ever time handling! Great job to Doc and Preston
Amateur Limited Gun Dog
1st , Palm Glades Sally’s Spirit “Spirit” (owners: Mark and Bill Brent)
German Shorthair Pointer Club of South GA , Feb 19-21, 2016. Held at the beautiful southern piney woods on Utopia Plantation in Arabi, GA
Open Limited Gun Dog
2nd, Wfk Brockway’s Annie Oakley ”Dancer” (Owners: Ed and Susan Brock)
4th, FC Wfk Peanut’s Lil Patsy Datz “Patsy” (Owners: Dave Walker and Lee Pritchett)
Open Puppy
2nd Wfk Uodibar’s Johnny Walker “Arrow” (Owner: Nelson Mills)
Open Gun Dog
1st , Wfk Brockway’s Annie Oakley “Dancer” (Owners: Ed and Susan Brock)
2nd , Palm Glades Sally’s Spirit “Spirt” (owner/handler : Mark and Bill Brent)
Amateur Gun Dog
3rd, Palm Glades Sally’s Spirit “Spirit” (owner/handler : Mark and Bill Brent)
Amateur Limited Gun Dog
1st, Hi-N’s Hasty Matilda “Matte” (owner/handler: Hank Lewis)
2nd , FC AFC Wfk Palm Glades Coasting Along “Sandy” (owner/handler:Jeff Craven)
3rd, Palm Glades Sally’s Spirit “Spirit” (owner/handler: Mark and Bill Brent)
Carolina Pointing Dog Club, Jan 16-17,2016 at H Cooper Black Field Trial Grounds, Cheraw, SC
Open Limited Gun Dog
2nd – FC AFC Wkf Palm Glades Salley’s Tip from Thai “Tippy” ( owner:Dr. Glenn Fussell)
Amateur Walking Puppy
1st – WFK Little Patch of Trouble “Patch” (owner/handler S. Head)
Amateur Walking Derby
2nd -WFK Little Patch of Trouble “Patch” (owner/handler S. Head)
German Shorthaired Pointer club of North Carolina Results: Jan 14, 15 2016 at H Cooper Black Field Trial Grounds, Cheraw, SC
Open Puppy
1st – WFK Little Patch of Trouble “Patch” (owner S Head/ Handler: Dave Walker) ,
2nd – Arrow (owner, Nelson Mills/ Handler : Dave Walker)
Open Limited Gun Dog
1st – Marshside Hard Cyder “Cyder”
New Field Champion!
(owners: Todd and Robby Stephens/ Handler: Dave Walker)
Open Gun Dog
2nd – Wfk Stephens’ Dakota “Dakota” (Owners: Todd and Robby Stephens)
Open Derby
2nd – Wfk Who Datz Big To Do “Trey” (owner: D Walker and L Pritchett) (Trey is available to a long term field trial owner)
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Atlanta, January 7-10, Jackson,GA
Amateur Walking Puppy – Non-Ret
1st – WFK Little Patch of Trouble “Patch” (owner: S. Head)
2nd – Her Littermate WFK Smith’s Firing Blaze “Blaze” finishes 2nd (owner/handler TK Smith)
Open Puppy
2nd – WFK Little Patch of Trouble “Patch” (owner : S. Head / Handler: Dave Walker)
Open Derby
1st – WFK Smith’s Firing Blaze “Blaze” (owner/handler T. Smith)
3rd – His littermate WFK Little Patch of Trouble “Patch” is 3rd (owner: S. Head /handler Dave Walker)
Is there “Brother-Sister” rivalry brewing?
Open Gun Dog – Ret
2nd – WFK Peanuts Lil Patsy Datz “Patsy” (owners: D Waker/L. Pritchett Handler: D Walker)
3rd – WFK Brockway’ Annie Oakley (owners: E and S Brock / Handler: Dave Walker)
Central Georgia Pointing Dog Club, January 1-4, 2016, Held at Beaver Creek Plantation,Twin City, GA
Open Limited Gun Dog
3rd – Wfk Brockway’s Aniie Oakley “Dancer” ( owners: Ed and Susan Brock)
4th – FC AFC Wkf Palm Glades Salley’s Tip from Thai “Tippy” (owner: Dr. Glenn Fussell)
Open Derby
1st – Sneaky Creek Hattie “Sister” ( Owner : Greg Leger)
Open Puppy
4th – Wfk Who Datz Big To Do “Trey” (Owners: D. Walker/L Pritchett )
Amateur Gun dog
2nd – Marshside Hard “Cyder” ( Robby Stephens first time handling! )
Open Gun dog
1st – Wfk Peanut’s Lil Patsy Datz “Patsy” ( Owners: D. Walker/L Pritchett)
2nd – Wfk Stephens’ Dakota “Dakota” ( owners: Todd and Robby Stephens)
4th – Royale Run Iron Man “Deuce” (Owner : Nelson Mills).
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of South Georgia
Friday, December 4, 2015 – Sunday, December 6, 2015
Open Gun Dog
1rst – Marshside Hard Cyder “Cyder” wins the Open Gun Dog.
2nd – Her littermate Wfk Brockway’s Aniie Oakley “Dancer” is 2nd!
Open Puppy
2nd – Palm Glades Southern Spree “Spree” was 2nd in Open Puppy in her very first field trial!
3rd – Wfk Who Datz Big To Do “Trey” (Owners: D. Walker/L Pritchett )
Open Limited Gun Dog
1rst – Palm Glades Bocephus “Bocephus” won Open Limited Gun Dog.
3rd – FC AFC Wkf Palm Glades Salley’s Tip from Thai “Tippy” ( owner : Dr. Glenn Fussell)
Ready to join the Challenge?
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