Our Field-bred English Cocker Spaniel Puppies

Breeding Quality English Cocker Spaniels for field and home

The puppies arrived

February 6, 2025!

Be sure to check out this pairing!

Deposits are accepted for Upcoming Litters!

About our Planned Breedings…

We carefully choose our breedings to maintain excellent dogs for field and home. We DO NOT breed for color. We can not guarantee that a particular coat color or pattern will be available.

Puppies are reserved with a deposit. Your deposit confirms the order you will pick out/ pick up your puppy. Please read all reservation requirements in “Puppy Reservation Information” on our General page.

The cost of the puppy is reflected in the quality of the parents, quality of the puppy, and dedication to raising them in our home.

The price for a puppy is $1500.

($300 deposit + $1200 at pickup)

You are welcome to join our waiting list with a deposit. Please see how in “Puppy Reservation Information” on our “About Our Puppies” page.

Best wishes in choosing your new puppy! Quality lasts a lifetime! Hundreds of happy buyers over the past 20 years.

Top Reasons to get your Puppy from Us. Click +

  • We breed dogs that are biddable and have a rich and complete pedigree. We list their pedigree right on the litter information page.
  • We breed dogs that we would want to train and live with.  That means they have exceptional field genetics and a quiet disposition in the home.
  • We have over 20 years experience and some of the best field genetics the breed has to offer, you get a healthy and proven field dog. Our puppies often go on to have successful Field Trial careers!
  • We raise the puppies in our home. From birth, they get the proper socialization to put them on the right track. Puppies will make a visit to our veterinarian before they go to their new home. 

Important Information

$300 Deposit

$1200 Due at pickup time 

$1,500 total sales price


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